Monday, May 4, 2009

Lizzie May 4

Math:Lesson 11

Government: read 357-359, answer questions

Language: write daily on your blog. I will check for spelling, punctuation, and basic grammar. I will put my corrections in the comments. Check there and then correct your work as necessary. (200 word minimum on all assignments)
Monday: What is your favourite song and why?
Tuesday: What would happen if you loved your neighbour as yourself? What if everyone did?
Wednesday: How do you feel when it's your birthday? Why?
Thursday: I wish trees could..... because....
Friday: choose your own topic

Read answer Jonathan Edwards even questions. Read Ben Franklin answer odd questions.

Bible: memorize Psalm 7:1-4
Read the sixth chapter of Proverbs and choose one verse to illustrate and illustrate it.

History: read and narrate chapter 9 of The Light and the Glory

Spanish: work with your dad (look in the Spanish section of the library for a children's book and have your dad help you read it. Or compare the Spanish version with the English one.)

Sign Language: learn 5 signs; Have quick review with Kaytie on previous signs

Handwriting: write Psalm 9 neatly on notebook paper (cursive) Not the entire Psalm, but work on perfection as we discussed.

Geography: Look up Pennsylvania online and make notes about history, climate, industry, and trivia

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