Monday, May 4, 2009

Bob: What you still need to do in order to catch up

Math: complete up to page 80 in your book

History: Research and write a single spaced, two page report on Columbus. Discuss his explorations, his achievements, his motivations to explore, and the highlights of his life. Research and write a single spaced, two page report on Cortez. Discuss his explorations, his achievements, his motivations to explore, and the highlights of his life. Research and write a single spaced, two page report on Magellan. Discuss his explorations, his achievements, his motivations to explore, and the highlights of his life. Research and write a single spaced, two page report on Amerigo Vespucci. Discuss his voyage, his achievements, his motivations to explore, the highlights of his life, and why America is named after him. So far, you have sent me Columbus, de Vaca, Vespucci and Magellan and they are good, but none of them are two pages, so you need to expound a little more.

Language: write daily on your blog. I will check for spelling, punctuation, and basic grammar. I will put corrections in your comments. Check and correct your work as needed. (200 word minimum on all assignments this means you have to write 200 words on the topic or the assignment is NOT done. Some of these topics you have started on, but not written 200 words)
What is the best way to treat meddlesome people?
What do you think about having set rules for people to follow?
What does "The early bird gets the worm" mean to you?
I wish I had one... because...
choose your own topic 5
What is your idea of a dull evening?
What if cows gave root beer instead of milk?
What do you think about the amount of violence on T.V.?
What kind of trophy would you like to win?
What is a good neighbour?
What would happen if everyone lived in space? What type of houses would they live in? What type of clothing would they wear? What type of food would they eat? How would they travel?
What do you think your friends say to each other when you're not around?
I wish I had a million... Then I would...
What is your favourite room in your home and why?
What would happen if there were no television? Why would this be good? bad?
What do you think the world needs now?
What kind of animal would you like to be and why?
What is something you do well?
What would happen if you could fly whenever you wanted? When would you use this ability?
What do you like to do in your free time?
How do you feel on the first day of winter? Why?

Handwriting: write Psalm 4 neatly on notebook paper (print) write Psalm 4 neatly on notebook paper (cursive)write Psalm 5 neatly on notebook paper (cursive) write Psalm 4 neatly on notebook paper (cursive) write Psalm 3 neatly on notebook paper (cursive) write Psalm 2 neatly on notebook paper (cursive) copy the Christmas story neatly on notebook paper (cursive)

Bible: memorize Psalm 4:5-8 memorize Psalm 4:1-4 memorize Psalm 3:5-8 memorize Psalm 3:1-4 memorize Psalm 2:9-12 memorize Psalm 2:5-8 memorize Psalm 2:1-4

Read the first chapter of Proverbs and choose one verse to illustrate and illustrate it. Do this for the first 6 chapters of Proverbs.

Geography:Look up Connecticut online and make notes about history, climate, industry, and trivia Look up Pennsylvania online and make notes about history, climate, industry, and trivia
Look up New York online and make notes about history, climate, industry, and trivia Look up Vermont online and make notes about history, climate, industry, and trivia Look up New Hampshire online and make notes about history, climate, industry, and trivia Look up Maine online and make notes about history, climate, industry, and trivia. For the states you sent me, you need to add history, climate and trivia.

Print off the Internet a map of the world and fill in voyage lines for 4 explorers
create a timeline comparing the lives and voyages of:
Amerigo Vespucci
Cabeza DeVaca
learn the names, locations and capitals of the original 13 states

Go to the library website, and find a fiction book about the revolutionary/colonist era and, go to the library, check it out, take it home and read it.

Lizzie May 4

Math:Lesson 11

Government: read 357-359, answer questions

Language: write daily on your blog. I will check for spelling, punctuation, and basic grammar. I will put my corrections in the comments. Check there and then correct your work as necessary. (200 word minimum on all assignments)
Monday: What is your favourite song and why?
Tuesday: What would happen if you loved your neighbour as yourself? What if everyone did?
Wednesday: How do you feel when it's your birthday? Why?
Thursday: I wish trees could..... because....
Friday: choose your own topic

Read answer Jonathan Edwards even questions. Read Ben Franklin answer odd questions.

Bible: memorize Psalm 7:1-4
Read the sixth chapter of Proverbs and choose one verse to illustrate and illustrate it.

History: read and narrate chapter 9 of The Light and the Glory

Spanish: work with your dad (look in the Spanish section of the library for a children's book and have your dad help you read it. Or compare the Spanish version with the English one.)

Sign Language: learn 5 signs; Have quick review with Kaytie on previous signs

Handwriting: write Psalm 9 neatly on notebook paper (cursive) Not the entire Psalm, but work on perfection as we discussed.

Geography: Look up Pennsylvania online and make notes about history, climate, industry, and trivia